Install Aptly 1.6.1

Debian / Ubuntu

aptly package is available in Debian as well as Ubuntu.

If you would like to install a upstream release of aptly with a different version than then Debian / Ubuntu package, aptly can be installed by adding a new repository to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aptly.list:

deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/aptly.asc] DIST main

Where DIST needs to be changed to the distribution: buster / bullseye / bookworm (Debian) or focal / jammy / noble (Ubuntu).

Then, import the GPG key as follows:

For releases older than Debian 12 and Ubuntu 22.04, create the directory first:

$ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings; sudo chmod 755 /etc/apt/keyrings

Download and install key:

$ wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/aptly.asc

Update apt database:

# apt-get update

Install aptly (command):

# apt-get install aptly

Install aptly-api (optional: REST API server, systemd service):

# apt-get install aptly-api

CI Builds for Debian

If you would like to use the CI Builds (formerly known as nightly) to test the latest development version of aptly (unstable!), use the following APT source:

deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/aptly.asc] DIST main
Where DIST needs to be changed to the distribution: buster / bullseye / bookworm (Debian) or focal / jammy / noble (Ubuntu).

Mac OS X

Mac OS X: Installation using Homebrew:

$ brew install aptly

Binary Releases

Releases for binary distributions (depend almost only on libc) for Debian, CentOS, MacOS X & FreeBSD are available.

Linux Generic Linux
386 ARM32
FreeBSD FreeBSD 9.2+
386 ARM32
Mac OS X Mac OS X 10.9

The archive contains the binary executable, man page and shell completion (bash, zsh):

$ unzip
   creating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/
   creating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/man/
 extracting: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/man/aptly.1.gz
  inflating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/README.rst
  inflating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/LICENSE
  inflating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/AUTHORS
   creating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/completion/
   creating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/completion/bash_completion.d/
  inflating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/completion/bash_completion.d/aptly
   creating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/completion/zsh/
   creating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/completion/zsh/vendor-completions/
  inflating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/completion/zsh/vendor-completions/_aptly
  inflating: aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/aptly

$ aptly_1.6.1_linux_amd64/aptly version
aptly version: 1.6.1