aptly db cleanup

Database cleanup removes information about unreferenced packages and deletes files in the package pool that aren’t used by packages anymore. It is a good idea to run this command after massive deletion of mirrors, snapshots or local repos.


$ aptly db cleanup


  • -dry-run: don’t remove anything, but report what would have been removed
  • -verbose: be verbose when listing objects being processed

If aptly db cleanup is run with both flags -dry-run -verbose, it collects information about all unresolved package references and reports them with details.


$ aptly db cleanup
Loading mirrors and snapshots...
Loading list of all packages...
Deleting unreferenced packages (325)...
Building list of files referenced by packages...
Building list of files in package pool...
Deleting unreferenced files (325)...
Disk space freed: 0.27 GiB...